Monday, March 13, 2006


Just when I'm about ready to hoist my sails and go into full speed after months of drifting aimlessly and haplessly in a violent and uncharted waters amidst a hurricane, my hull is breached and I must tend to it. Maybe the months of being rocked in giant waves is finally taking its toll. My boat creeped, it's hull cracked, and I must rest and try to mend the broken parts.

I sweep the horizon with my scopes, hoping to see a tail of smoke, a tall mast, something signaling the presence of another ship. Something, anything. Nothing!

I glanced at the radar display hoping to see a mark, a dot. A presence, a glimmer of hope. Nada!

So here I am, sending out a distress signal, hoping for salvation.


It couldn't come at the worst time. Tis been such a long time since I felt like this. My body's sending strong signals of exhaustion, writing it in capital letters, shouting it through a microphone. It's telling me, "I desperately need a rest."

Suwer ... sakit itu ngga enak!


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